OK, so maybe I don't hate all fruit but I've probably gone a year at a time without eating a piece of fresh fruit. If my 3-year-old didn't love it, I would probably still forget to eat any.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Technically, This Post Could Be About Food…

An odd thought struck me the other day. I’m sure I’m not the first to have it. But did Mary worry about Jesus? In the last few years, I’ve struggled and I’ve watched my friends struggle as we try to figure out how to care for our children. Starting with pregnancy, “am I eating the right food, did that x-ray at the dentist’s office expose my baby, am I gaining too much weight, am I gaining enough weight, should I have a c-section or an induction or an epidural?” Then the baby comes, “should I nurse or formula feed, is she eating enough, is he sleeping enough, why is she crying, maybe he didn’t get enough milk, is she growing fast enough?” Then they get older and a whole world of questions about safety and health and discipline is discovered. Now I realize Mary didn’t have the choice of an epidural or need to worry about x-rays. But can you imagine nursing the Son of God?  That alone would have been a lot of pressure. Did she second guess herself when He refused to nap, or woke up early? As He grew, did He refuse to eat His fish for dinner? I wonder if God gave Mary complete peace that Baby Jesus was ok, and if she gave up her human worry for confidence that God would provide for all of Jesus’ needs. I’m not sure if these are productive contemplations, but there they are. I know that we can have the Peace of God in our lives, but when the baby is crying, I still have to figure out what she needs, and that is not always easy. At the end of the day, I can rest assured that God will give me wisdom if I listen and that my babies are blessings from Him that He loves and will provide for too.

Please God, quiet the swirling questions in my heart. Thank You for loving us all enough to send Your son to be our Savior. It’s just a few more days until Your Son’s Birthday! Amen

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