OK, so maybe I don't hate all fruit but I've probably gone a year at a time without eating a piece of fresh fruit. If my 3-year-old didn't love it, I would probably still forget to eat any.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

6 Hours Later…

So, 6 hours after my last post, I felt much, much better.  Bekah finally fell asleep, then she woke up and I fed her.  Bethany was already awake so we loaded up and went to the gym.  I skipped the solid food Bekah should have had because we were running out of time before the childcare closed.  Al got off work and met us there.  We worked out for an hour and then decided to get Wendy’s for dinner, but we both made healthy choices, making the meal just a little more than a normal meal at home.  I went from feeling lethargic, nauseous and depressed to energetic, healthy and happy.  Weird.  I’m not sure I’ve ever noticed exercise altering my mood that much.

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