OK, so maybe I don't hate all fruit but I've probably gone a year at a time without eating a piece of fresh fruit. If my 3-year-old didn't love it, I would probably still forget to eat any.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Still On The Wagon, Barely…

I’ve had several people ask what happened to my blog in the last couple of weeks.  I lost January to an intense househunt and then visiting my sister for a week.  But then I also watched all 4 seasons of Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman in a couple of weeks.  My addictive personality really shows itself with TV.  I’m so glad we don’t have cable anymore, but maybe we need to revoke my Netflix and Hulu privileges too!

So, I haven’t been thinking about my eating habits much, and I’ve blown many days in this New Year.  I did commit to losing another 10 pounds in 10 weeks, and I’m 6 weeks in.  I’ve lost…. 3.5 pounds.  I think 10 pounds is still achievable if I work hard!  I have had zero desire to exercise, and knowing that I *should* exercise doesn’t light much of a fire.  The girls both waking up at 5am 3 of the last 5 days does not help my energy level either.

OK, snap out of it Michelle!  Get back on it and quit making excuses. :P

1 comment:

  1. ...but since the weather is nice this week, you plan to take the girls on walks ;). Right? Just holdin' you accountable ;).
