OK, so maybe I don't hate all fruit but I've probably gone a year at a time without eating a piece of fresh fruit. If my 3-year-old didn't love it, I would probably still forget to eat any.

About Me

My husband, Al, and I have been married for almost 12 years.  We have two beautiful girls, a 3 year old preschooler and a baby born this past May.  I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was 5 years old.  I seek to glorify God in all that I do.  Being human, I often fall short.  But God’s mercy is never-ending, and through His strength, I carry on.

I am a normal person.  Well, ok, maybe not normal, but what I mean is I am not a “health nut”.  I don’t like to exercise. I don’t like “health food”.  I caught a lot of grief last summer when a couple of friends and I were brainstorming my new diet, and I announced “I don’t like fruit”.  I love Sonic, and Pepsi, and chocolate, and ice cream, and mounds of mashed potatoes and… Oh, I better stop that…  You get the idea.  I’m not a marathon runner, but that might not stop me from trying it once just to prove to myself that I can.  I’m not a vegetarian, but I know I need to eat more fruits and vegetables.
I am writing this blog for several reasons.
  1. Inspiration – Last summer, I found a friend’s weight loss journey intensely inspiring.  She passed on a wealth of information and tips, invested a lot of time into my life and encouraged me over and over as I embarked on my own journey.  So this is a way of “paying it forward”.  I know some of you also struggle with your health and weight and the motivation to press on, just as I do.  So I am hoping this will inspire you on your journey and I believe that I will be inspired by all of you.
  2. Journaling – Writing is cheaper than therapy. :)  This will probably be covered more in a post about “The Biggest Loser” TV show, but one of the recurring themes in that show is that there are reasons we eat so poorly and become so unhealthy.  I am hoping that through this form of journaling, I will discover my reasons and they will be here for me to review when my memory fails me.
  3. Accountability – I will post where I have come from and where I want to be.  I can report how I am doing and be held accountable for the goals I have set.
I pray this will be fun and beneficial for all of us!